nashville yall (updated)


ok ok...
So i got back form nashville sunday night. I left wendsday morning and took a nice 3 1/2 hour flight directly to tenessee. I went for CBUs yearbook and newspaper. It was a confrence put on by the Baptist Press where we get critiqued on our personal work as well as the entire newspsper and yearbook. we won some awards, ate some food, and had some fun.
I learned something very crucial while i was there... i love califorina. I dont think i could happly live anywhere else. I dont really know why... other than the beach and mountains are close.. and the weather is nice. I think its because ive spent my whole live here.. and i know where everthing is. I know nashville is not the place for me. good city...amazing food. but to enough city for me.
If you are ever in nashvile DO NOT ever get sushi there. I got a spider roll which is was absolutley horrible. I woke up a few times that night with a crappy sushi taste in my mouth. I guess i shoulda expected it concidering we arent really close to the ocean.. oh well you live and you learn.

so i have pictures from my whole trip. these arent all of them.. jus the ones i felt like editing and puttin up online.... enjoy.


Heather said...

I really like that second picture a lot. I wish we had awesome walls like that everywhere. :D

Hope you're doing well.