Kids and cell phones...

So this week I am shooting the Family Camp up here at Forest Home and just yesterday I was able to follow around the 5th and 6th grade kids and shoot them. (oh photography puns) I was walking with Tiger (one of the counselors) and a 6th grader at one point and the 6th grader was goin on about how he had already gotten 2 girls numbers yesterday which he added to his contact on his phone and about how he uses AXE body spray as cloonge... which the girls love. (according to him) After he finished all that it processed through my head and a red flag went up. "You have a cell phone?" I asked. "Of course i have a cell phone...I'm twelve!" he answered.

When my kids are that age they are not gettin a cell phone.. and if by chance they do they are gettin the ones that I can program so that it can only receive and dial out numbers certain numbers. I got my first phone in the middle of high school.

crazy kids these days....
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lackin on the updates....

Sorry i haven't really given an up to date update from my Russia trip, I've been super busy with my job up here at Forest Home. But here is a good article written about us from the Ministry's website... check it out!
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