4 years ago
Eric McFarland
8:17 AM
home for the next few months
So basically, i live in Jacob's cabin. If you haven't seen lost... then you may not know what I am talking about. But since the only people who will read this will be corinne or rachel I dont have to worry about you guys not knowing what Jacob's cabin is. So i do have a picture, ill put up pictures of the inside soon enough. It looks sketchy, because it kind of is. Its the newest building forest home has bought i beleve, which leaves one other building that forest home does not own on the camp grounds. This is because the owner is stubborn and does not want to sell thier ghetto falling apart house. (ill put pictures up of that also) but until then, a picture of my home and another random picture of a bridge will have to do.
I love that bridge, it's so fun to walk on, and if I lived in Jacob's cabin I would be slightly scared.
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