yesterday i took about 154 peoples pictures. All the summer staff and some fulltime staff. it took around 3 hours and after a while the sun came out higher and ruined the spot i was shooting at, so i had to move... which slowed things down
a bit. not too bad though. I had a kinda lame place to shoot them all so its not like i could have had the perfect area to shoot. Then today i went though everyones pictures (which i took generally more than one of a person-one normal and one crazy shot) which turned out to be 305 pictures, and put all the names i had written down to faces. that took quite a while ha. then later today I edited the pictures that I will use for the yearbook adn what not which took quite a while as well. I am not quite satisfied with my editing quality so im contemplating re-doing everything, which means i have to so all the names to faces thing, which is rigorous and boring, and then edit all over again. I would say its a total of 3-4 hours of work altogether. I may or may not do it, maybe i will just stick with what i have, maybe not. either way, as of right now, i am super tired of editing and typing names ha. But nonetheless, i am having fun. All the real camper kids come the 15th so i suppose that will be when the real fun comes...
good stuff.
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