FYCP musical

So my friends at FYCP camp asked me to be in their musical this summer. It happens every week for whichever group is there at the time. I only am in one part which happens to be a kung foo scene. I dont talk or anything... other than ninja noises. We do a series of insane kung foo moves to the beat of "kung foo fighting." Its pretty fun... and i had to learn everything w/ only 2 practices. Good stuff though... I hope i can keep the costume... its pretty sweet ha.
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what i did yesterday

intern work is awesome, i get to take picture, upload pictures to a website, play on hte internet all day, and clean out insanely messy warehouses! The last one is what i did yesterday. I have a before and after picture which you can see. And if you look, there is in fact a piano and 2 different buffet bars... but they where on wheels so it was ok. the pianos wheels where kinda rusted over, but it slid over the concrete good enough i suppose.. It actually only took like 3 hours to do, so it was pretty simple and not really stressful at all. It just had to get done. It was done by me and the other photography guy.. so we knocked it out pretty easily. good stuff


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t shirt design

so i designed a t shirt for the marketing and productions department (my department) and here it is. dont really have much to say about it... besides it took a while to make ha
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summer staff 08 photography

yesterday i took about 154 peoples pictures. All the summer staff and some fulltime staff. it took around 3 hours and after a while the sun came out higher and ruined the spot i was shooting at, so i had to move... which slowed things down a bit. not too bad though. I had a kinda lame place to shoot them all so its not like i could have had the perfect area to shoot. Then today i went though everyones pictures (which i took generally more than one of a person-one normal and one crazy shot) which turned out to be 305 pictures, and put all the names i had written down to faces. that took quite a while ha. then later today I edited the pictures that I will use for the yearbook adn what not which took quite a while as well. I am not quite satisfied with my editing quality so im contemplating re-doing everything, which means i have to so all the names to faces thing, which is rigorous and boring, and then edit all over again. I would say its a total of 3-4 hours of work altogether. I may or may not do it, maybe i will just stick with what i have, maybe not. either way, as of right now, i am super tired of editing and typing names ha. But nonetheless, i am having fun. All the real camper kids come the 15th so i suppose that will be when the real fun comes...

good stuff.
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bathroom sign

so i was assigned the amazing task of creating a bathroom sign that urges people to not go number 2 in the bathroom that is on out office. It never pleasant when that happens, so i made the sign. There is a bathroom right outside the office that would work much better for this type of behavior (the going of number 2 that is) so we urge ourselves as well as others to put that other bathroom to use. Frankly just so they will destroy that bathroom and not the one inside out office. Good stuff. The image is really bootleg and sketchy lookin, but it gets the point across. I would have made something better but not having the proper fonts and such prevented me from doing so. But i am satisfied with the overall result from the work ha.
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So this is my desk and computer for the summer. I did have an apple g4 powermac. Which was nice for the first day i had it, but then the next day the screen looked like it blew up with random colors and pixelization, then was covered with binary code and occasionaly said "crash" and system failure. Which if you dont know, are bad things to show up on a computer. But it was a nice computer for the day that I had it. So now i have this imac which is nice. I brought up my 24in screen for the g4... which i am no longer using, so we took my monitor to my jacobs cabin home and now use it for DVDs on someones laptop. So that works.... Oh and the other person is Clinton aka Brentwood who is the other intern/promotional photographer. And what you see on the screen is something I am working on for the video guys. Its a fake rap magazine cover for a video they are doing. The whole pice is for their made up label "Bling Records" and will be in one of their videos. Its not finished yet, but its a start. Good stuff.
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home for the next few months

So basically, i live in Jacob's cabin. If you haven't seen lost... then you may not know what I am talking about. But since the only people who will read this will be corinne or rachel I dont have to worry about you guys not knowing what Jacob's cabin is. So i do have a picture, ill put up pictures of the inside soon enough. It looks sketchy, because it kind of is. Its the newest building forest home has bought i beleve, which leaves one other building that forest home does not own on the camp grounds. This is because the owner is stubborn and does not want to sell thier ghetto falling apart house. (ill put pictures up of that also) but until then, a picture of my home and another random picture of a bridge will have to do. 

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