my ankle cont....

its purple!!!

i took my wrap off this morning to show my friend and found out that the lower part of mt ankle is now purple... it wasn't the last time i checked. And now the out side part of my foot about 2 inches down from my pinky toe its starting to hurt...oh and notice that its kinda hard to find the ball of my ankle.... thats because it swollen enough to where it looks like i dont have one...hmm maybe i never did... ive never really checked to see if i did... but im somewhat normal... so i probably did have one at one point. Either way, my ankle is still swollen. Maybe i should go have it looked at... But chances are they are just gonna tell me "yeah you did something bad, keep it wrapped and stop whining" which is what im already trying to do. So maybe ill just keep doing that till it heals...


Unknown said...

"RICE" is your new best friend... for any sprain, you should start this ASAP.
Rest - stay off of it
Ice - 20 min on, 15 min off... repeat 3x... do it a couple times per day.
Compression - helps control the swelling
Elevation - gets the extra fluid to drain.

If you feel sharp radiating pain, or if the swelling does not go down in a couple days, you should get an x-ray.