my encounter at jury duty.

so today i had jury duty.
i was meaning to go in a few days before to get out of it because of school, but i never had the chance to.
So i wake up today at like 7:25 and roll out of bed to get ready.
I get on the freeway around 7:43ish thinking that i would be good on time by 8:00
around 8:20 i get to the building after stop and go traffic on the free way and 2 full parking lots that i was directed to.

but this who blog doesn't really have much to do with jury duty itself.
ill start my story at lunch time.
If you havent read my previous blog you will find that ive been reading the book "crazylove" by francis chan.
After i eat i head back to the Court room and sit outside to read my book
as i do i overhear this guy talk about how he is blind in one eye and going blind in the other and how harvest gave him a Bible with large print.
A few minutes later i hear"hey man why are you wearing that bracelet?" ( i soon find that his name is dave)
he was referring to the bright green bracelet that i got from sandals on sunday for writing out what i struggle with on. (if you missed that service pod cast it... its amazing)
I told him "I got it from sandals church, its inside the California baptist university gym."
"is it a correctional church?" he asked
"No, just a regular one"
he then proceeds to tell me his story about how he spend 9 years in jail because of drugs and that he is a ordained minister. He has been out of prison for about 3 years and was trying to find a Christan halfway house because a normal one would cause for him to stumble and get back into his old ways.
I let him use my phone so he could call a guy who runs a chain or Christan halfway houses or something like that.
His passion for right now is to be a sort of minister for 3rd-5th graders- to warn them of the dangers of drums, violence and gangs. He said that those are the most vulnerable ages for experimentation with drugs and gangs and he wants to prevent kids from making the same mistake he did.

Dave has a real passion for God. He knows he screwed up his life bad and is quite humbled by it. He finally recognized his weakness and is trying to become stronger so that he can help people who where in the same spot as him.

it did cross my mind that he could be lying about everything just for the attention, but he seemed real about all that he said. He had a bible with him with paslm 35 bookmarked and said that he has been praying with that verse in mind constantly.

ever since i got jury duty i dreaded it. but now. im glad that i went (i still got out of actually being a juror) i was able to listen to daves story and give him my input for his story. There is a lot more that i could have written my story about my encounter with dave... but chances are no one will read all this anyway... but if you actually did, ask me in person.. and i will go into more detail ha. good stuff.


rachel said...

i totally did read your blog. and i did it before you gave me the guilt trip.

cool story. im glad your time at jury duty wasn't wasted.

Josiah said...

eric i found your blog off of rachels.. and i read this whole thing my friend!