if you do look down at the time posted,,, yes it is currently sometime around 4am. and i am studiying... well not right now.. because i am typing right now.. but i have been studying.. to the best of my ablility that is.. ok well maybe not hte best of my ablitiy... but i have been trying hard. I have had 2 monsters so far tonight and i am at that point where i am pretty tired.. but am pretty wide awake at the same time.. i think the professional term is called insanity... either way.. i am still awake. so being that this is technically a photoblog i should be posting some sort of photo right? right. this photo is something i did for extra credit in my graphic design class.. i kinda threw it together last minute so its a little sketchy... but its done nonetheless... and it works... so.. here it is. the theme for the picture is in fact, finals. so enjoy the small while looked at on here but ginormus when clicked on picture. did that make sence? no? too bad. figure it out. punk! just kidding!
you are the punk.
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